Alice Faust

Archwitch Fixer

Alchemist and Witch with a focus in Conjury - her Lady of PoisonsReputation: A Dame philanthropist who, on behalf of an Ishgardian barony, provides food and medical care to the most desperate and hopeless across the Free Cities.Forgotten legends of past exploits (Titles): Alaha Fausthr, the Witch of Ferris Village. The Ear Collector.Business: Is known to never tell an actual lie.

Born of the shroud to a family of renowned Alchemists, she broke off in the tender years of adulthood to follow her own path. Alice is often seen to employ conjurer magics that lean heavily toward manipulating plants.
A woman in her late thirties with cold, unfeeling eyes. Alice, for all appearances, is an upstanding woman trying her hardest to care for those who cannot care for themselves.
Yet, few who meet her can ignore the chill on the back of their neck accompanying her. She carries herself with a tension that seems ready to explode at any moment, and while her smile is bright, it never seems to make it far enough up to be reflected in her eyes.History:
While much of her past is shrouded in mystery, some have taken great pains to make sure that it remains so. The secrets she carries hold a visible weight, yet even so, they were deemed too terrible to ever speak aloud by those who have heard her story and come to understand who she is.
Seeking refuge with family.


Despite her good works, rumors follow in her wake of providing strange alchemies and other darker things. While she has attempted to silence these rumors, she is still recognizable as a former member of the underworld - once known as the person to turn to when all hope is lost and only the darkest of tinctures or deeds could ever once again set things aright. Or a-wrong depending on who you would ask, such as the case may be.
(Circa 2015),
Ten years ago, she worked aboard a pirate ship as the resident medic. Those who may recognize her from that time would know of her reputation under the alias of 'Mad Molly' as a prestigious inquisitor of captured rivals.
(Circa 2023) Two years ago, she was often seen near the Whispering Masquerade, rarely stepping inside during business hours but coming at odd hours to hand deliver potions and regents.(Circa 2022) For the last three years, she could sometimes be seen attending the balls of Ishgard as a baroness' prized knight and regent. She often kept to herself there, offering only the passing biting comment before departing - leaving stunned silence and bruised egos in her wake to the laughter of her patroness.

Lore Reference:
The Lambs of Dalmud, patch 1.2 Pre-AAR
Forum Discussion
"The Lambs of Dalamud are one of many religious sects that rose as the Calamity approached (From existing Keeper of the Moon cultures), empowered by the general public's unrest and the absence of most of-age men able to stop them (as they were serving on the front lines against the VIIth Legion). Each had their own warped interpretation of holy doctrine, and though not all were dangerous or even malicious, the Lambs of Dalamud were a fair deal of both. They claimed Dalamud was an entity in and of itself, and that by spilling sacrificial blood would the Hound be lured back to usher in the Seventh (and final) Umbral Era. For this reason, they kidnapped the vulnerable from cities and hamlets and used them to lure adventurers to their rescue, massacring both in the process. Using the blood of their victims as fuel for magick, they would create powerful thaumaturgy, channel spirits, and summon voidsent to ever increase the slaughter. Even if they themselves were slain in the process, they believed that the Hound was far more pleased with the blood of those slain in His service than the nonbelievers they offered Him, and that He would remember the scent of those that died to return Him to the corporeal realm - descending to the Gates of the Seventh Hell to return their spirits of Eorzea where they would serve him in the final era and inherit Eorzea as their own.

- IC and OOC must remain separate
- Dark/Mature Themes encouraged
- Mid/Long post length
- Discord DM Open
- 21+

"I was introduced to this woman as someone worth fifty million gil. Traded and bought and sold, but more powerfully, loved. And with every taste I was reminded, viscerally and powerfully, that there was no way this woman, the one with this warmth and this sweetness, should have been traded so cheaply. For she was worth, had to be worth, so very much more than that."-